Installed in Shanghai! “Connectory Innovation Incubation Base” started distributing the real-time vacancy information of restrooms
Vacan, Inc. (HQ: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, CEO: Takanobu Kawano) installed VACAN Throne, the IoT service the visualizes the vacancy information of restrooms, in Connectory Innovation Incubation Base in Shanghai. Queues can be prevented by distributing the real-time vacancy information of restrooms, which can be checked from inside and outside.
The IoT restroom vacancy visualization service, VACAN Throne, has been installed in Shanghai’s Connectory Innovation Incubation Base. The occupancy status of the restroom will be detected using the sensors installed in each stall and the information detected can be viewed from smartphones or PCs by accessing the designated page. By doing so, users can choose the best time to go to the restroom, enhancing the convenience of office restrooms.
(Image) How the visualization of restrooms are visualized
For most restrooms, one cannot tell the occupancy of the stalls until they go inside. Connectory Innovation Incubation Base was experiencing the same problem. The facility manager was also having a difficult time figuring out when is the best time to clean and restock the restroom since they were unable to obtain the usage data.
By installing VACAN Throne, the real-time occupancy information of the restroom can be checked, enhancing the convenience for users. The information obtained can also be used to figure out the best time to clean the restroom, increasing the efficiency for janitorial tasks.
VACAN Throne, the vacancy visualization IoT service for restrooms, uses a sensor small enough to fit in the palm of one’s hand to visualize the real-time vacancy information of restroom stalls and meeting rooms. The information detected can be viewed on digital signages, websites, apps, etc. VACAN Throne is also being used in smart city projects.
CEO: Takanobu Kawano
Address: Sumitomo Fudosan Nagatacho Building, 2F, 2-17-3 Nagatacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-0014
Establish: June, 2016
Website: https://corp.vacan.com/ (JP), https://tw.vacan.com/ (TW), https://en.vacan.com/ (EN)
Vacan, Inc. is one of the companies selected for J-Startup 2019, created by the Japanese Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry. Vacan utilizes AI and IoT to obtain and provide the vacancy information of various places. Vacan provides a service where the vacancy information for places such as food malls, cafes, restrooms, meeting rooms, and employee cafeterias, etc., can be automatically detected using sensors or cameras, and then shared on digital signages and smartphones.